After years of living in a shared apartment in Boston, we moved to Buffalo to find an affordable way to live with our bikes. The most important feature of the perfect house, besides being incredibly cheap, was the garage and the basement.
We need a place to store our, at last count, 40 bikes. But now, we have a workshop that allows us to work on our bikes at home. We can tend a pot of soup on the stove, monitor our four cats as they cause trouble around the house, AND put a bike on a stand and tune it up. With plenty of shelves for spare equipment, we can be back on the road in no time! Keeping our bikes in good, working order is essential—we won’t be sidelined because of bad equipment. Now that we have a cargo business, we need to assure our clients that neither rain, snow, or a rusty chain will keep us from our appointed rounds. The main advantage is that, as you can see, we can work on our equipment in the comfort of slippers and bathrobes!
But that’s not all. We’ve set up rollers in front of the TV to allow us to keep riding—even when we’re watching our favorite shows—Most Extreme Elimination Challenge, Mystery Science Theater, and old Kung Fu movies. Plus, it’s a safe way to enjoy a bottle of wine while riding—and we don’t have to worry about bad drivers (just misbehaving cats).