It's no surprise that cars produce more harmful emissions than bicycles--the average car produces six tons of carbon dioxide into the atmosphere a year! Bicycle production, and the fuel required by bikers do produce some emissions of greenhouse gasses, but they amount to less than 10 times the emissions produced by cars according to this article from "Even with the CO2 emissions of food required to power a bicycle, the ECF study found that — while not emissions free — the bicycle is still the lowest emitter of greenhouse gasses per passenger kilometer traveled. One of the key findings was that emissions from cycling are over 10 times lower than those stemming from the passenger car, “even taking into account the additional dietary intake of a cyclist compared with that of a motorised transport user.” By choosing bikes as an environmentally friendly delivery service in Buffalo, you are making the right choice for the environment.
Environmentally Friendly Delivery Service in Buffalo
[fa icon="calendar'] Feb 21, 2016 6:50:20 PM / by Andy Rosevear posted in Evironmentally Friendly Delivery Service